Sunday, August 4, 2013

“A Change is Coming”

“Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and immediately he was brought from the prison. After he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came in front of Pharaoh.” ~ Genesis 41:14 (GW)

When it comes to adversity, nobody wants it. It’s obvious that if we could eliminate certain things in the world, we would, but adversity would probably be near the height of the list. God uses adversity. Problems come and problems go. Some things we freaked out about two years ago we can’t even remember and then there are certain things we still hold scars from. God knows we need adversity in our life. It sounds strange, why would we want adversity? Perhaps our biggest problem with it isn’t the problem of adversity, but our reaction to it. Sometimes adversity is the greatest sharpening tool for the purposes of God in our daily lives. God has a way of directing us through adversity. All throughout the Bible we see God using adversity to direct people into their future, destiny and prophecy that He specifically designed for them before they were born. Jesus was destined for the Cross, but it took adversity and the rejection of men to get Him there. Joseph was destined for Egypt, but it took adversity and the betrayal of men to get him there. Jonah was destined for ministry in Nineveh, but it took adversity and repentance AFTER rebellion to get him there. God uses adversity in the lives of His children.

God has a purpose for your life, it’s something that you may have a knowledge of, but don’t understand fully. Joseph was a man that God wanted to use, but his brothers sold him into slavery, what a mean set of people, it sounded bad, but it wasn’t. Joseph was sold into Egypt to go to Potiphar’s house, shortly after he was promoted, thank God for promotion in problems. God used Joseph, but Potiphar’s wife liked him, shortly after she tried to sleep with him, Joseph ran and she claimed he raped her; it looked terrible, but it wasn’t. Joseph was thrown in a prison and was put over the entire prison, thank God for promotion in problems. The Lord allowed people to forget him in prison, but one day Pharaoh had a dream and Joseph was the only fella in all of Egypt that could interpret the dream. Isn’t that strange, all of the adversity in Joseph’s life (betrayal, rejection, slavery, separation from family) was direction to Gods original plan and purpose. God doesn’t change; He is doing the same for you. Yet, the more important thing right now is to accept what is coming into your life as the will of God and asking Him in prayer and His Word how to respond to it in a godly way. Your adversity is direction. Your adversity is directing you. Your adversity is shaping you. Your adversity is changing you. Your adversity is changing your direction. Your adversity is CHANGING you, it is making you more like Jesus when you respond in a godly way, but you have to go to God in prayer and His Word in order to find out how to respond. God Bless!

Father in Jesus Name, thank You Lord for the trials that have come, have went and will come. Lord, I pray that You help me to respond in a godly way to what is taking place in my life. Lord, show me how You are working so I am not so focused on what I feel, my emotions, what satan is using and what others think of me. Lord, show me what I can only see by being connected to You through prayer and the Word of God. I thank You in advance and ask You to fulfill Your complete purpose in my life even through trials so I can help others please. Bless the ministry You have given me and the people around me to know You more in depth in Jesus Name! AMEN!

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"Each one of us must please his neighbor for his good, to build him up." ~ Romans 15:2 (HCSB)